Photo of the Late Actor Robin Williams
A woman takes the photo of the large painting of late actor Robin Williams in Belgrade REUTERS

Robin Williams recorded a message of hope to a terminally ill woman in New Zealand before he died. Also, a report claims that the beloved comedian did not plan his suicide because he had been planning for the future.

The 63-year-old Academy Award-winning actor, who took his own life on August 11, filmed himself giving a terminally Kiwi woman a message of hope and love.

According to, 21-year-old Vivian Waller was diagnosed with lung, bowel and liver cancer in January. She drew up a bucket list that includes only five wishes: to get married, celebrate her 21st birthday, see her daughter Sophie celebrate her first birthday, travel to Rarotonga and meet Williams.

She has been able to cross the first three in her list, which left with her travelling to Rarotonga and meeting Williams.

She’s too ill to travel to the U.S. to meet her idol, so one of her friends reached out to Williams to ask for his help.

Williams then recorded a short, personalised message to the cancer patient, telling her to cross her last wish off her bucket list.

“Hi Vivian, Robin Williams here saying ‘Hey girl! What’s going on down there in New Zealand?’ Sending all my love to you, Jack and Sophie. Knock this off your bucket list,” Williams gave her his signature smile, though noticeably a little dampened.

He then broke into a brief song, explaining that he’s “channelling Matthew McConaughey.”

“Much love to you, baby,” Williams signed off the video.

Jack, whom Waller married a month after she was diagnosed with cancer, told the paper that his wife was ecstatic upon receiving Williams’ sweet message for her.

He hasn’t discussed Williams’ suicide with Waller yet, though, as it’s a too sensitive a subject.

Waller is at the Hibiscus Hospice getting care, but is already resigned with her fate. Jack said that they decided to show Williams’ video to the public because “we love him, we want to show people how awesome a person he was.”

Meanwhile, a new claim says that Williams’ suicide was not premeditated.

As TMZ reported, a confidant of the star spoke with him the day before his body was discovered. They had a lengthy discussion about Williams’ future projects, with the source adding that he was “completely engaged in the conversation.”

Williams was also asking a lot of questions about the deals he made and would be working on, which was inconsistent with a person planning on taking his own life.

“He [Williams] was unhappy which he often was, but it was nothing unusual,” the confidant said.

Like other comedians, the actor “lived in a dark place,” that’s why he was often unhappy.

No one knew about William’s suicidal plan, not his wife or personal assistant.