Oscar winning comedian and actor Robin Williams passed away on Aug. 11, 2014. It is said that the American actor, 63, committed suicide. While investigators continue to investigate the tragic death of the actor, details and speculation about the actor's death continue to stir the media. Latest reports suggest that money problems could be the apparent reason why Robin Williams committed suicide.

A source close Robin Williams told Radar Online that the "actor recently confided to a family friend" that he was struggling through "serious money troubles." It was not only his addiction but his "family's financial security" also distressed him.

William's family friend remembers him as "generous" person who was willing to help everyone when he was at the peak of his career. The source claims that Robin grew "frustrated" due to his work circumstances that forced him to take up roles that he would not want to do otherwise. It was only because of money he opted for some TV roles. He was also not "excited" about doing sequels of his movie.

Robin Williams married three times and had three children. He married Valerie Velardi in 1978 and divorced in 1988. Marsha Garces was his second wife, who he married in 1989 and divorced in 2008. The following year he married Susan Schneider.

The report notes that he opened up about his financial problems last year in an interview with Parade Magazine. He even talked about his two divorces that have affected his wallet.

The Radar Online report notes that the actor went into "deep depression" after his show "The Crazy Ones" was cancelled.

Mirror reported that a resident from Robin Williams' community revealed that the actor "looked terrible" when he last saw him alive. He reportedly had "lost weight" and looked very thin.

Daily Mail also reports that a neighbour reported that Robin Williams looked '"very drawn and thin" over the weekend.' He reportedly appeared "exhausted" and "not in best of his spirits."

Meanwhile, it is said that Robin Williams used a belt to take his life where he was found dead by his personal assistant. New York Daily News reports that the iconic comedian also had "superficial cuts" on the inside of his left wrist. Lt. Keith Boyd from the Marin County Sheriff's office informed that toxicology tests will be conducted on Williams' body to find out if he consumed any drugs or alcohol. Officers even recovered a pocketknife with what appeared to be covered with dried blood.