Most Precious Awards of Robin Williams
Floral tributes on Robin Williams, Oscar winner hanged out on a belt at his home, but Never Passes still Remains in the Memory of thousands REUTERS

Robin Williams' death shocked everyone who loved him personally and admired him as his fans. However, a friend from the comedian's rehab stint came out to say that dying quickly, without anyone seeing it coming or caring for him for a long time was always what Robin wanted. The friend from rehab, Teresa Cohen came out to share what she knew of the troubled comic, and said that Robin's greatest fear was to die while high on drugs and alcohol and for his family to suffer while watching him waste his life through drinking and taking drugs.

Daily Star UK reports that Robin on his rehab stint, had befriended Teresa Cohen, a troubled mum and shared his greatest fear in life. Teresa shared that that Robin had told her just weeks before committing suicide that the actor wanted a quick death where he is neither drunk nor woozy with drugs. "When I go I want it to be quick and I want to be clean and sober. I don't want to die the slow, agonizing death of an addict who makes everyone around him suffer too. I couldn't stand the agony of ­checking out that way," Robin told Teresa.

This is why Teresa cannot wrap her mind around the fact that Robin committed suicide and whether he could have done it while sober.

"At first, I prayed to God that when that report comes back there are no traces of ­alcohol or cocaine in his body because his ­biggest fear was to die an active addict. But now I feel conflicted and, somehow, would almost prefer his suicide was an act of terrible folly carried out in a fit of depression while he was high. I just can't get my head around the fact that he could do this sober," Teresa shared to Daily Star UK.

Even though a preliminary autopsy demonstrated that the cause of the veteran actor's death was asphyxiation, a toxicology report could take six weeks to prepare. It would take some time to know whether the actor died clean and sober, just like he wanted to die.

Robin's family, friends and fans gathered together for private memorial service in the San Francisco Bay Area on Aug. 16, E! News reported.