Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, or more popularly known as Bella and Edward in the hit movie franchise, Twilight, has been named the highest grossing romantic couple by Forbes Magazine. The couple is reported to have earned $1.17 billion for the past 3 years.

Despite cheating issues and a slew of daily controversies dancing around their celebrity status, Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart, or "RobSten," prove that they're just more than "couple for show." Forbes has named them the highest grossing movie couple in their list, beating Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, and a few other Hollywood love teams.

It was said that the "Robsten" duo helped make their producers (and themselves) make as much as $1.17 billion worldwide for the past 3 years of starring in the Twilight films.

It was also mentioned that the fact that the two are romantically involved in real life, makes them more bankable to fans worldwide.

"There is something unique about these films in the way that people have attached themselves to them," said's Dorothy Pomerantz, as reported by Reuters.

"The movies are unconventional, and you have the added element that the two people are a couple in real life," added Pomerantz.

But it wasn't always fame and money for the two. Last year, their relationship took a sour turn when Stewart was caught having an affair with her "Snow White and the Huntsman" director, Rupert Sanders. Adding insult to injury, Sanders was happily married with children before the scandalous relationship was revealed. pa

Fans and critics taught that the "Robsten" duo was completely over, until Robert Pattinson decided to get back together with Stewart. Some say it was for publicity since the last installment of the Twilight Saga was about to be shown when the couple got back together. With or without "for publicity's" sake, Robert and Kirsten prove that they can effectively sell a movie, and even a relationship to their followers.