'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story': Planet where the Death Star is being built revealed

The planet where the Death Star is being built in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” has been revealed in a new report. The next trailer of the movie is expected to be released soon, and it is said to be three minutes long.
[Spoiler alert]
The Death Star is being constructed in a “secluded world” near a planet known as “Scarif,” Making Star Wars reports. The report is based on the preview pages of the companion book of the movie, which is yet to be released. The preview images appear to have been deleted since then.
“Huge tracts of land were excavated to build ships and supply the Death Star,” the book reportedly teased. It is not clear if the extensive excavation leads to the destruction of the planet.
The new planet is said to be protected by “powerful shields.” It is not clear if the Rebels will have stolen codes to gain access to the base or if they will fight their way in. The heroes may not use a stolen Imperial spacecraft, as the U-Wing is confirmed to be the lander ship in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”
Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed) is said to be the pilot of the U-Wing that takes the Rebels to the planet where the Death Star is being built. More details about the movie may be revealed in the next trailer.
A previous report by Making Star Wars revealed that the next trailer of the movie will air on ABC on July 15. The trailer, which is said to be three minutes long, will air during the documentary “Star Wars: Secrets of The Force Awakens.”
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is set to be released on Dec. 15 in Australia. While Darth Vader is confirmed to be a part of the movie, it is still not clear if the Sith Lord will make an appearance in the next trailer.
Credit: YouTube/ Star Wars