It is not just the movie 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' that took a lot of risks especially in the box office, but also its star Rooney Mara when it comes to fashion styles.

She has once again revealed herself to the media in a striking and odd fashions during the European tour of he movie with Daniel Craig for a variety of premiere nights held in Italy and Germany.

Mara appeared on the red carpet sporting edgier styles with most of her dresses in black velvet and leather. No matter how unconventional the styles of the dresses may be, it is still considered by fashion experts to be one of the finest. Even Vogue magazine voted the actress along with her sister, Kate Mara, as one of the most stylish sisters in the globe.

Following the Look of Audrey Hepburn

Many fashion experts are also remarking how classy the designs sported by the young actress lately. It truly embodied the look of a classic Hollywood actress, Audrey Hepburn. Many commented that showing up in black fashion turned her into a more enchanting lady.

Everything looked perfect with Mara's black hair all pulled back, leaving her entire face bright and mysterious, just like the look of the character she portrays in the movie. Mara's makeup was always at a minimum effect with just a brush of light shade of pink on her cheeks.

The actress may not have been able to sport the tough mohawk look of the original 'Dragon Tattoo' character, but her own take on it has turned out to be as powerful as the impact that her fictional character leaves. In short, everything about Rooney has been utterly compelling since the release of this movie.

Check out some of the photos of Rooney in her latest fashion styles revealed!


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