Britain's Crown Prosecution Service let off the hook on Friday Australian DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian over manslaughter charges in relation to the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha.

British prosecutors said they could not file charges against the pair, who gained notoriety because of the hoax phone call they made imitating the Queen, due to lack of evidence to support manslaughter charges. While there was some evidence of possible offences under data protection laws, the prosecutors did not further investigate since any potential prosecution would not be in the public interest.

"It is not possible to extradite individuals from Australia in respect of the potential offences in question . . . However misguided, the telephone call was intended as a harmless prank," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Malcolm McHaffie, deputy head of Special Crime at the Crown Prosecution Service.

He admitted the consequences of the DJs acts were very sad and sent his sincere condolences to the family of the India-born nurse who was buried in Shirva, Karnataka, India.

While the radio programme of the two DJs, who have expressed remorse for their action, had been axed, Austereo network did not fire them but instead said they would be given radio shows later.

Ms Saldanha's family expressed sadness with the court decision.

"The family of Jacintha have been left devastated by her death . . . They are struggling to come to terms with the event that led to it, especially the hoax call. The family still have many unanswered questions and now await the inquest due to start on March 26," quoted Labor MP and Indian community leader Keith Vaz who spoke to the nurse's family after the prosecutor's decision.