Comedian and presenter Russell Brand speaks during an anti-austerity rally in Parliament Square in London June 21, 2014.
Comedian and presenter Russell Brand speaks during an anti-austerity rally in Parliament Square in London June 21, 2014. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor

Tony Abbott is “an absolute raving lunatic,” Russell Brand reckons. The British comedian-turned-political activist has some strong choice words for the Australian Prime Minister.

Brand, 39, was promoting his new book “Revolution” in a sit down interview with Nine Network’s Amelia Ballinger when he made known what he thinks of politicians, more particularly Abbott. And no, what he said about the PM isn’t complimentary in the least.

“He’s one of the worst ones,” Brand said of Abbott. “I’m pretty sure is a lunatic. I’m pretty sure he is an absolute raving lunatic and the people across Australia are unhappy.”

In “Revolution,” Brand aims to challenge readers’ view of the current political system. He advocates social revolution in a bid to end corporate tyranny and economic equality.

“I asked some people who know a lot about how systems can work, whether or not the system we currently have, global capitalism, is the best one for the majority of people. The experts go, ‘No, it’s a really bad one, and it’s only good for a few people,’” he described his book.

“The point of this book, Amelia, is that we should all participate in our own society, not just allow a few people to run it from their own ends. This is not a new idea but I hope I’ve written it in a funny way that’s a right laugh with some good swear words."

His views on politics and social reforms have been so far controversial. In October, he told BBC that it’s possible that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attack, and that people should be open-minded about it. Critics of his book also panned Brand for the alleged lack of substance of his tome, with others saying that he does not have an idea of how he wants his “Revolution” to play out.

Brand hasn’t a film lined up for the year, and although he didn’t say he would retire, he just can’t currently see himself in films. However, he joked, that he would be available to make one if the role offered is Batman.