Apart from the customary mandated paid sick and vacation leaves, a Russian lawmaker is proposing to offer another two paid days off for its menstruating women employee labour force.

"During that period (of menstruation), most women experience psychological and physiological discomfort. The pain for the fair sex is often so intense that it is necessary to call an ambulance," Mikhail Degtyaryov, a member of the nationalist LDPR party, wrote on his Web site.

Russian Labour Force: Bill Proposes Paid Days Off for Menstruating Women Employees

Mr Degtyaryov is married with two sons.

But while it is true for some women to experience menstrual cramps during their red-calendared days, the proposal was a very unwelcome one to Russian activists and human rights campaigners.

"If we are seriously debating women's efficiency at work during menstruation, we should also consider how fit for work men are after a drinking bout," Marina Pisklakova-Parker, head of women's group Anna Center, was quoted by Reuters.

"This argument is obviously improper, unreasonable and nothing close to being serious," Anna Sobko, a lawyer at Russia's oldest human rights group, the Memorial, said.

Mr Degtyaryov argued that the disruption caused by menstruation to working women represents a problem for society.

"Strong pain induces heightened fatigue, reduces memory and work-competence and leads to colourful expressions of emotional discomfort," a portion of Mr Degtyaryov's proposed bill published on his personal Web site said. "Therefore scientists and gynecologists look on difficult menstruation not only as a medical, but also a social problem."

He said providing the female Russian labour force a holiday during these painful days ensures "fair working conditions" as well as increase their "psychological health."

However, Andrei Isaev, a member of the incumbent United Russia party and the head of the Duma's Labour, Social Politics and Veteran Affairs Committee, said the legislation was absurd.