Indian cricket player Sachin Tendulkar speaks during a news conference to launch a travel portal in Mumbai October 23, 2013.

Sachin Tendulkar, arguably the best batsman cricket has ever produced, has probably played his last innings when he edged to slip for 74 on Friday, Nov 15, 2013. There is hardly any record which he has not achieved in his career. Here comes a proposal from the rival country of India, which may put him in a different role altogether.

Rashid Latif, the former captain of the Pakistan cricket team, has asked Indian authorities to appoint Mr Tendulkar as the peace ambassador for improving the relation between India and Pakistan. Mr Latif was giving an interview to PTI when he called Mr Tendulkar as a cricket icon who is admired in both India and Pakistan. There is every possibility that he will be able to play the role of a peace ambassador for solving the distrust and misunderstandings between the two countries, he said.

Mr Latif had his family in India before they migrated to Pakistan when the country was born out of India as a separate entity during the independence, Zee News reports. He said that neither of the cricket boards had been able to realise the importance of Mr Tendulkar in promoting peace in both the countries. He said that he would love to see Mr Tendulkar to come to Pakistan as a peace ambassador.

Mr Latif said that cricket had always played a magnificent role in bringing both the countries together. He mentioned about the 2004 series when both countries enjoyed friendship and goodwill. Even though there seems to be tension and fierce competition between the two countries whenever they play against each other, the relation among the players of India and Pakistan has always been pretty cordial, he said.

Pranab Mukherjee, the president of India, earlier described Mr Tendulkar as a great ambassador of India. He said that he was among millions others who adored Mr Tendulkar. Even though he decided to resign from international cricket, he will continue to serve the nation; Mr Mukherjee said.

This keeps the assumptions open whether Mr Tendulkar is given the responsibility of a peace ambassador between India and Pakistan.