Ariana Grande
Contrary to her cute present image, Grande was highly deranged as a child Reuters

Jai Brooks must really know how to apologize. Who knew Ariana Grande will ever forgive him and even go back to being his girlfriend after the public humiliation he subjected Ariana? It can be recalled that Jai Brooks accused Ariana Grande of cheating on him in a nasty Twitter rant in October 2013, which honestly turned a lot of people off. However, according to Hollywood Life, after being spotted hot and heavy at the 2014 iHeartRadio, the two confirmed that they are back to being together. It's easy to assume Ariana Grande has already forgiven Jai and forgotten the incident.

"They are together and very happy," Hollywood Life reports. "They have been seeing each other daily for a while now. He apologized for making up all the lies about her cheating and they are back!"

This reunion comes after almost half year of staying away from each other, especially after Jai, who is part of the Australian YouTube comedy and prank group The Janoskians, accused Ariana on cheating on him with Nathan Sykes. The thing is Ariana already broken up with Jai when she started to see Nathan Sykes.

Remarkably, Ariana Grande was able to put all these behind her, considering the Twitter rant was really long. It was certainly humiliating for her to be casted as the cheater too.

Jai took to Twitter last fall to publicly declare his ill feelings against Ariana and Nathan, saying: "Yes I was cheated on. Yes it does suck. Yes I was left for another man." Part of his twitter rant goes,"Like anyone who has been cheated on, it has been tough for me but I'm finally ready to move on. Nathan may be a top bloke or a sweet person, but what he did was just completely wrong. He interfered with my life and did not respect my relationship, his actions caused me to not be able to sleep at night and not see the world as a beautiful place. Nathan if you read this, when you hold her hand you better hold it tight because you are holding my world. I do wish you two happiness and a good life and hope everything works out."

This was not all of it. But since the two are so willing to put all of these behind them, it is not so important to rehash everything now. Now that they're back together, maybe they deserve the clean slate so that their relationship can grow.