Samsung's Asian roll out of the Galaxy S3 Mini comes with the JellyBean flavour naturally whipped out by Google with the Android 4.1.2, numerous blog reports said.

The scaled-down version of the Galaxy S3, UberGizmo said in a report, will be retailed in countries like Indonesia and Vietnam bearing the Samsung-exclusive Premium Suite, which was absent in the earlier release of the Mini.

This report should mean that right out of the box the new batches of S3 Mini will be packed with the following features: Page Buddy, Multi Window support, Paper Artist, Group Cast and Smart Rotation.

Samsung's Premium Suite, which earlier was dispatched for the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note, also delivered fresh gadget functions that allow owners to customise their notification panel and relish new gallery of apps.

However, owners of earlier Mini builds need not worry. They can check if the latest JellyBean update is available for their Samsung handset by tapping on their phone Menu, scroll down to About Phone then Check Update.

If the update file is ready for download, prompt for the process to begin then follow screen instructions carefully for smooth installation. It is best to commence the update procedure on a fully-charged battery to avoid phone freeze mid-way to the whole process.

Reports have indicated that the latest JellyBean flavour on Mini is exclusive for Asian buyers at the moment. Consumers in the United States wanting to get hold of the smaller S3 are out of luck at the moment.

As part of the ongoing patent dispute between Apple and Samsung, the latter said in a U.S. court filing that it is not "making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the Galaxy S3 Mini in the United States." This is based on reports by Reuters.

This declaration effectively dashed hoped by U.S. consumers to lay their hands on the S3 Mini, which Samsung has touted as the downsized and more affordable Galaxy S3 experience.

In exchange, Apple has agreed to drop the Mini from the list of Samsung handsets that it wants to push out of the American market, Reuters added on its report.

However, "the current withdrawal will not prejudice Apples' ability later to accuse the Galaxy S3 Mini if the factual circumstances change," the news agency quoted the tech giant's representative as saying in a court statement.