Samsung dominates smartphone market in China but Apple continues to edge the global tablet market sales. The iOS maker, Apple, stands tough as the biggest tablet maker in world. Is it going to last long against Android tablets?

Apple Owns the Market Sales

Even Android overpopulated the tech world with the latest Jelly Bean OS, Apple iOS tablets continues to break sales and win the sales of first quarter of 2013. International Data Corporation released the statistics of this year's tablet sales and Apple surpassed the projected 18.7 million units by selling 19.5 million tablet devices worldwide.

The data indicates a significant jump from 11.8 million units sold in the first quarter of 2012. However, Apple retained 39.6 per cent of the market, dropping from 58.1 per cent on the same time frame last year.

Apple's Standing in China

According to Silicon Beat, the Beijing-based analytics group, Umeng Analytics Platform reported Apple's domination over tablet market in China, while Samsung conquered the smartphone division. In the last quarter of 2012, iPad and iPad Mini took 83 per cent of total tablet sales in China and 33 million units were activated earlier on the same year. Android tablets only hold 17 per cent of the market sales.

Samsung Far Behind Tablet Sales

IDC also indicated in their report that Samsung only controls 17.9 per cent of the total tablet share which is comprised of 8.8 million of shipped units. Apple toppled Samsung with 39.6 per cent global market share, leading all the tablet sales worldwide.

The third place goes to ASUS with 5.5 per cent share or 2.7 million shipped units, fourth place to Amazon Kindle Fire with 3.7 per cent share of 1.8 million units, and Microsoft is at the fifth position with 1.8 per cent market share or 0.9 million units. Other players comprise the remaining 31.5 per cent or 15.5 million tablet devices shipped.

Android's Future on Tablets?

Android tablets are growing very slow to hold shares specifically in China, and it may include many factors which iPads are knocking Android on this device line.

"When people think of tablets, they buy iPads. Android tablets aren't gaining any significant market share," said by Linda Jiang, Umeng vice president for business development noted by Silicon Beat.

Chinese spent exponentially in the mobile Internet industry and if Android would pick up speed anytime soon, Apple will conquer the largest market resting in the Far East.