Samsung sat at the forefront of the tech and mobile phones industry. It managed to transform itself as the biggest consumer electronics manufacturer today, beating and challenging sales of some of the biggest companies in the world like Apple and Google. In its bid to become the top player in the tech industry, Samsung will also be holding its first global developer conference.

Samsung will hold its first global developer conference in San Francisco at the West St. Francis Hotel in Union Square. The event will take place on October 27 and 29. The 3-day affair was a stand out because the company passed up on the Moscone Center.

The difference in venue indicated that Samsung was brewing something up.

Samsung planned on casting a variety of developers, though the company emphasized that the conference specifically catered to individuals working on "all divisions, platforms and device" instead of just the mobile platform. Registration for the event started this summer.

Based on the market reach and position of Samsung including smartphone, smart TV, camera and similar gadgets, it will not be long for the registration list to fill up. Given the conference will be successful, people will have another SF-based event to watch out for annually.

This was a big step for Samsung. It can differentiate the company from Android developers especially in the mobile platform. Google already did this, providing developers the opportunity to create programs on their mobile OS. Google held sessions and workshops allowing developers working on different handsets to interact together.

An event specifically catering to Samsung products can help developers who wish to target the market. Samsung currently held the largest market share globally for smartphones. The developer conference will allow developers and Samsung to gain leverage by developing Samsung-specific apps.