Needless to say, so much anticipation is building up on the superpower smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 and as we near its reported April 2013 launch tech experts are listing the specs they believe would make millions of jaws drop in awe.

Super processor and Full HD

It was earlier claimed that the Galaxy S4 will draw its power from an octa-core processor. Since debunked by experts, Phones Review is convinced that an Exynos 5 Octa CPU, roaring at 1.8GHz, by itself represents a sweet serving.

This powerhouse is made up of eight actual cores with only four actively humming, leading to battery energy requirement that is 70 per cent more efficient, according to SamMobile. In short, with Exynos 5 on board with the S4, users are getting a muscle gadget that lasts longer in a single charge on its 2600mAh battery. Sweet indeed.

As expected, Super AMOLED display technology will fire up the Full HD rendering that will come with the Galaxy S4's 4.99-inch screen with pixel density of 440ppi (or more as Samsung has hinted). One reviewer was already blown away by the Galaxy S3's media playing capabilities. We can only imagine how the S4 will wow us further with its upgraded display engines.

Platform superiority

Samsung would not want to disappoint in this department, fully aware that the S4's purported superb hardware specs will be wasted by a clunky skin over Android. In the S3, Samsung showcased its ability to spice up the Google mobile OS via its Nature UX, which SamMobile said is a pleasing addition to the Korean tech giant's software device offering.

Surely, S4 buyers would love to see the 2.0 version of the same skin but the more exciting prospect is Samsung may actually use some of its hard-earned clout to convince Google that the best way to introduce Key Lime Pie is via the Galaxy S4.

It the two companies can agree on this, it should be an exciting smartphone mêlée later this year in the event Apple would indeed issue a much earlier refresh of the iPhone with the iOS 7 powering the handset.

Camera skirmishes

It has become a standard and all the upcoming Android phones (on the high-end sphere, of course) are reported to hit store shelves armed with 13MP rear camera and to be complemented by a front cam with at least 2MP sensor. Among the handsets rumoured to be carrying super specs is HTC's M7, which likely will debut a bit earlier than that of the S4.

No doubt, Samsung would not want to be edged out in this contest and experts widely expect that the latest Galaxy S iteration would please consumers' recent picked up hobby of producing clips and pics with more than decent quality.

Total wireless connectivity

And when producing contents, users would want to upload these files with ease for the whole world to see. Samsung knows that for the Galaxy S4, buyers expect faster Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity plus better pairing options with nearby devices.

The first two, Samsung is almost sure to deploy with the S4 with marked improvements to boot. But CNET is hoping to see better NFC functions on the next Samsung flagship smartphone, further enhancing its rendering of the technology via the S-Beam feature of select Galaxy devices.

For sure, consumers will thank Samsung if the S4 can be charged wirelessly out-of-the-box. The company can definitely make this happen, the technology already introduced last year thanks to Nokia Lumia 920 and Google-LG Nexus 4.

More bits of wishes

Though it is a Samsung mainstay to provide extra slot for microSD expansion, increasing the S4's storage capacity will be a welcome move. Why not 32GB or 64GB for the device? Or better yet, make it 128GB to pre-empt Apple.

The tech giant just unwrapped a 128GB iPad and it is not far off that an iPhone version, where users can shove in so any files, could be in the works. It'll be some sort of a coup for Samsung to provide the Galaxy S4 that offers so much space within.

Lastly, the S-Pen stylus we've come to love with the Galaxy Note is not a bad proposition for the S4. Samsung, after all, has debunked the earlier declaration by the late Steve Jobs that we need only our bare hands to control and navigate through our smartphones and tablets.