Samsung latest flagship Galaxy S4 becomes the fastest-selling smartphone ever with four million shipments in 4 days after its release on April 26, 2013. Galaxy S4 breaks the record of Galaxy S3 of selling 3 million units within 21 days.

"As of the end of April, we supplied four million Galaxy S4 handsets to telecommunications operators around the world. As of Friday, we have sold more than 6 million units, and we predict that we could break the 10-million mark by as early as the end of this month," a Samsung executive told The Chosun Ilbo, noted by Tech Crunch.

Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3 Previous Record

Samsung Galaxy S line of smartphones achieved progressive selling mark and spreading the Android revolution across the globe.

Samsung Galaxy S3 sold three million units within 85 days, the second generation Galaxy S2 sold the same number of units in 55 days while the third generation hit the mark in 21 days. Galaxy S4 dominated all of its previous record-holder by selling four million units in just 4 days. It is inevitable that more and more users are shifting to Samsung products especially the Galaxy S4.

Influence of Galaxy S4

All the previous generations of Galaxy S4 left positive influence to owners worldwide. And every time there is a new generation, the device keeps getting more and more innovative.

  • Availability made Galaxy S4 accessible to almost anywhere and many telecoms are selling the Samsung flagship device.
  • The device has been shipped to many countries which may be inaccessible to other Android phone manufacturers, giving Samsung the upper hand.
  • Supplies didn't dwindle on all parts of the world and Samsung quickly addressed the issue to keep customers on obtaining the device.
  • Galaxy S4 is packed with features such as S Health for health-conscious owners and innovative technologies such as 8-core processor for high-speed performance.

The Samsung Galaxy S4 4-million mark sales record is based on shipments to supplier, network carriers and other retail stores but regardless of this figure, the flagship smartphone beats the previous generation and holds the title as the "fastest-selling smartphone to date."