Network carriers in the United States are having issues with the supply of Samsung Galaxy S4 and concerned with the possible disruption of selling in the country. Samsung reacts to the unexpected high demands and now making efforts on replenishing stocks soon.

United States network carriers are affected with the shipment delays of Samsung Galaxy S4 and right now, cannot accommodate high demands from new applicants.

"Due to overwhelming global demand of Galaxy S4, the initial supply may be limited. We expect to fulfil inventory to meet demands in the coming weeks," the South Korean company stated.

Some network carriers are already taking pre-orders online but the unexpected increase of demands plus the slow shipment may push their release dates to be delayed.

Sprint plans online selling on Saturday however, their retails stores will only sell Galaxy S4 once the supply problem has been resolved.

"We had planned to launch this next generation of the award-winning Samsung Galaxy line-up on Saturday. Unfortunately, due to unexpected inventory challenges from Samsung, we will be slightly delayed with our full product launch," Sprint stated.

AT&T on the other hand continues with their schedule on Saturday of selling the latest flagship device without any problems in supply.

Samsung supply issues may become a problem for promotion if not addressed immediately which differs Apple's tight control over iPhone release compared to staggered rollout.

"Ideally you want to get everything into the launch window at the same time - and at the same exact hour - to get maximum impact. Let's give them credit, though, this is a massive logistical challenge. If one or two slip, it isn't a terrible problem, assuming they can address this issue in the next few week," Avi Greengard, New Jersey-based analyst at Current Analysis stated quoted by Bloomberg.

Supply constriction not only disappoint applicants but also push the release dates further more than planned by network carriers and third-party retailers. Carriers is confident that the issue will be resolved soon and confirms the on-going pre-orders online. Store branch and channels they are connected will offer Galaxy S4 once the inventory has been restocked.