The Samsung Galaxy S4 continues to win over the Apple iPhone 5, not only in terms of units sold, but also in physical strength.

The test conducted by CNET showed the two popular smartphones dunked underwater, scratched, dropped and then crushed by a truck.

In the water dunking test, the Samsung device beat the Apple unit since the iPhone's screen blacked out in less than 25 minutes while submerged, but the S4 survived for 2 hours and 20 minutes before it blacked out.

The units then were dried and placed inside a container of uncooked rice for 4 days. After the 4 days, the S4 immediately came back to life, but the iPhone needed to be plugged first and there were substantial damage underneath the screen.

For the second test, the same units were scratched with keys and sandpaper, and both survived the test but with damage on the display caused by the sandpaper.

The third test involved dropping the gadgets on a concrete slab from the top of a ladder, mimicking accidental drops of cell phones. While both smartphones showed damaged, the aluminium-cased iPhone's screen was shattered on first drop but the plastic encased S4 took three drops before it showed damage on the lower part of the case.

Finally, the last test was to have the two cell phones run over by the XCAR. The test showed both phones, which were donated by a gadget insurance company, crushed to smithereens.

Torture tests are good ways to help people who are torn between the iPhone 5 or the forthcoming iPhone 6 and the S4 determine which is the better option.

Even with the sales test, the S4 is a winner, selling more than 10 million devices in less than one month. Given its strong performance, the South Korean tech giant expects to sell 80 million S4s throughout 2013.

However, in the UK, the iPhone 5 outsells the S4. uSwitch's report said besides the iPhone 5, Apple phones on its top 10 list are the iPhone 4S and 8 GB iPhone 4 which are in second and fourth spots, while the second spot belongs to the S4. On 5th place is the S3 and on 8th and 9th places are the Galaxy Ace and S2.