Issues of the Samsung Galaxy S5 release date delay have already popped up when news of a fire over at the supplier plant happened. Now, another potential delay is threatening the release date of Samsung's 2014 flagship handset, this time in the form of supplier problems with its 16-MP ISOCELL camera.

The new Samsung Galaxy S5 camera is said to feature a six-element lens in it, where the slim camera module will be fitted in. Phone Arena is now reporting that there are now issues with the way the mold for the complex optics is being made.

Samsung is responsible for the creation of the mold, though they are then sent to lens suppliers who are in charge of applying injection technology to ensure that precision is achieved. Now reports are stating that a delay in the orders and assembly of the lens are occurring, with only 20 to 30 per cent of the production being met.

Given the April 11 worldwide release date for the Samsung Galaxy S5, the Korean company would need to ramp up the production, while also ensuring that the quality of the handsets are not compromised.

Not a Medical Device, Release Date Still On

Aside from the issues with the Samsung Galaxy S5's camera supply, it almost had a run-in with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in South Korea. With its new heart rate sensor being one of the touted health additions, it seems like the Samsung Galaxy S5 almost had the danger of being re-classified as a medical device, hence being delayed for release.

According to Digital Trends, this potential source of delay was avoided because it seems that the "wait and see" decision of the Ministry finally reached a conclusion, as the Samsung Galaxy S5 was decided to not meet the requirements of a medical device.

The ruling was based on Korean law that states devices that measure organ functions were subject to the same regulations as those of medical instruments, but Samsung was able to classify the Samsung Galaxy S5, as well as the Gear Fit, to be devices that are merely for fitness, and not medical, purposes.

Vodafone UK Gets Rights to Gold Samsung Galaxy S5

The Samsung Galaxy S5 has been slated to release four colours: gold, black, white, and blue. But it seems that Vodafone UK was able to secure the rights to carrying the gold edition.

CNet reports that Vodafone will be the only carrier to bring in the gold version for an entire month, starting when UK retailers open their pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy S5 come March 28. Vodafone will also be carrying the other three colours.

What do you think of the gold version of the Samsung Galaxy S5? Is it worth going with Vodafone to land yourself this edition? Or would you prefer the classic colours?

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