We know that the Episode 1 launch planned by Samsung on March 14 is for the Galaxy S4, but is it possible that the flagship device's little twin brother, the Galaxy S4 Mini, will crash the party too?

Reports have been persistent that this latest Mini venture from Samsung will hit global markets on Q2 2013, specifically between the months of April and May. Roughly, the timeframe is very much similar to the S4's reported availability.

Connecting the dots, the question begs: If Samsung plans to distribute the S4 Mini alongside its big brother, why not a simultaneous launch for the two devices? It should be a spectacular show for the whole world to see.

Remember when the iPad Mini was introduced in 2012? Apple actually unveiled two tablets - the small slate and the iPad 4.

Samsung could follow suit for maximum impact, taking advantage of the insane anticipation that has built up on the Galaxy S4's impending release.

But there is one important thing that the Asian tech giant must address if indeed it plans to also pull the wraps off its smaller S4 offering - make sure that its flagship smartphone will not cast too big of a shadow over the S4 Mini.

Again, when the iPad Mini was debuted, the iPad 4 went almost unnoticed because all eyes and ears were trained on the small Apple tablet.

Same thing could happen to the S4 Mini, likely meeting the same fate of its predecessor, the Galaxy S3 Mini, which was underwhelmed by the unprecedented popularity of the Galaxy S3.

Before launching the S4 Mini, Samsung must ensure that it will garner enough attention to merit buys. Though the latest speculated specs of more compact handset seems to suggest that it is hardly underpowered.

Consider these S4 come-ons put together by numerous blog sites: a quad-core CPU though with still unknown speed with 2GB of RAM, a 4.3-inch Full HD 720p display screen, a camera mix of 8MP on rear and 2MP on front, up to 32GB of internal memory with expansion options and JellyBean 4.1 working with TouchWiz for the phone's smooth operation.

For sexed up appeal, the S4 Mini will likely carry the scaled-down look of the Galaxy S4, a variety that will definitely lure many.

Reports also suggested that the Galaxy S4 Mini will be priced between $200 and $300, giving more reasons for buyers to take as second look. All Samsung has to do is increase the handset's visibility, which an early but well though-of unveiling will probably do.