Samsung's Galaxy S4 appears headed for a mid-April 2013 debut but before the smartphone makes its way to public view it manufacturer would want to whip out a few more garnishing - pack the gadget with as much screen pixels as possible.

It had been reported that the latest Galaxy flagship handset will wow the Android crowd with a 5-inch Super AMOLED screen display, in which Samsung engineers will squeeze pixel galore at a density of 440ppi, exceeding that of Apple's Retina technology. Impressive indeed at any given benchmark.

But Samsung, according to DigiTimes, is gunning to push the envelope a bit further. By launch time of the Galaxy S4, the company wishes to see more than 440ppi, stretching AMOLED's already jaw-dropping ability to flash Full HD rendering in glorious serving.

This is made possible by transitioning into a new technology that governs AMOLED panel's pixel layout. "Samsung is developing hexagon-and-diamond-shaped pixel layouts for the panels in order to increase resolutions above 440ppi, which is difficult to achieve using the current side-by-side layout," DigiTimes reported.

Samsung plans to make these new AMOLED panels by using "a LITI production process," and there is a strong possibility that the tweak has been completed and the new pixel layout technique ready for deployment come April.

We can expect the Galaxy S4 to sport the highest pixel density in the smartphone industry by the time it is unwrapped by Samsung a few months from now, DigiTimes said.

And as earlier indicated, Samsung is also working double-time for a number of gadget releases slated for the first half of 2013. We are aware that another tablet, the Galaxy Note 8.0, is coming out via the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next month.

But the South Korean tech giant seems inclined to add more slates to its gadget menu, DigiTimes revealed. The company is issuing new tablets in three screen sizes - 7-inch, 8-inch plus and 10.1-inch.

No further details were provided by the DigiTimes report but it can be assumed that these new tablet pushes represent a refresh of the Galaxy Tab 2 lines, the mass-market tablet offering of Samsung.

Most likely, the 7-inch version is Samsung's answer to the Nexus 7, the Google small tablet manufactured by Asus that has attracted considerable raves from tech experts and buys from global consumers.

CNET once labelled the Nexus 7 as the best Android tablet in the market, heaping praises on the device for its functionality, powerful specs and affordability. Hardware-wise, the Google tablet trumps Apple's iPad Mini and cheaper at that.

Considering these, Samsung would likely upgrade the capabilities of its Galaxy Tab 2 slates so consumers can expect quad-core processors this time with probably near-HD screen rendering plus attractive sticker price.

According to DigiTimes, Samsung aims to double its tablet shipments this year, looking to produce around 40 million units by the end of 2013. The company believes that it will catch up with tablet market leader Apple by offering its device below the $US300 mark.

The lowest priced tablet from the Apple stable is the iPad Mini, the basic model retails at $US329. It remains to be seen if Samsung willing to sell low to achieve better shipment figures and placing in the tablet war.