Samsung will go telepathic and telekinetic features as their next big thing on upcoming devices. Some of these are already present to their current devices, including Galaxy S4 with eye-tracking and hovering sensors. What are the possible mentally manipulated features that Samsung has on its sleeves?

Hard keypads were replaced by touch technology, and now we are using this on our smartphones, tablets and even notebook computers. In the future, nobody seems to like touching their devices anymore but instead will use eyes, voice and near-touch sensors to probe devices.

Eye Tracking Technology
The Galaxy S4 features this technology allowing gaze or eye motion to be detected by the device. It measures not only eye movement but also the eye position. Improving this technology will make the device respond not only from rolling your eyes, but maybe allow opening of applications by blinking the eyes.

Pulse and Muscle Flexing Technology
Smart watches are coming out soon and these devices wrapped around our wrists can also be used to control mobile devices. Sensors to detect pulse can prompt emergency calls in dire situation or using muscle reflex to activate applications on your devices. Twisting, bending and shaking are motions in the future which devices will detect as gesture movements.

Ultimate Voice Commands
Voice commands can control functions inside the devices and now combined with search engines creates Intelligent Virtual Assistants generating information from the Web. Siri and Google Now are just some of the intelligent interpreters of voice commands which can look for anything as long as it is connected to the Internet. Other voice controls involves vehicles, computers and home appliances. In the near future, all devices can understand your voice pattern.

Sound Effects Sensor
This is not yet common on mobile devices but some gadgets utilise clapping, snapping, and tapping sounds to turn off or turn on lights, television and other appliances.

The Real Life Cerebro
Professor X co-created the ultimate device to find and control individuals across the globe using telepathic abilities known as Cerebro. If mobile devices can recognise eye motion, voice and sensory perception, it is not impossible to use your thoughts and project them to your gadgets. The brain projects mental intent involving emotion and feelings, but with the growth of technology, someone can simply sit down and wear a metal cap then connect to the Internet or mobile devices.