Reports have emerged that Samsung is planning a September preview for the Galaxy Note 3 following its mysterious non-appearance at the recently concluded 2013 MWC in Barcelona. This time, the phablet will be unpacked via the annual IFA in Berlin, Germany.

However, reading the silent signals from the South Korean tech giant, it is likely too that the Note 3 is all set for a major push in the United States, a move that keeps in tabs with the planned New York event by Samsung on March 14.

The unveiling is for the Galaxy S4, the flagship regular-sized smartphone of Samsung, so it makes sense that the company would want to train the same attention to its phablet and the best way to do that is gaining major exposure on the world's biggest mobile device market to date - America.

A report by Gotta Be Mobile noted that the first two Notes were initially seen at the yearly Berlin event and their actual availability on key markets like the U.S. came a few months after. The Note 2 debuted in the North American region November last year.

It is not remote then that the same pattern is being followed by Samsung - opt for an IFA glimpse to build further expectations and then push for a major release that will not only electrify Note fans in the U.S. but will also ensure brisk sales as the holiday season should have started by that time.

While fine-tuning its U.S. campaign pitch for the Note 3, it is quite possible that Samsung will also allow sporadic releases of the phablet in select markets if only to test market acceptance.

Such ploy is not new for the Asian tech titan. Note that the Galaxy S3 Mini was first issued in other markets prior to its arrival in the United States.

Samsung's battle plans for its two upcoming flagships, the Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy Note 3, have been consistent so far - stoking hordes of interest, bringing the fight to the turf of its bitter rival, Apple, hosting spectacle events like its planned S4 unpacking and releasing its products months ahead of Apple's.

The S4, reports said, will hit store shelves on April and few months after Apple is believed to start selling the new iPhone 5S and its budget version.

The same goes with the Note 3. Samsung will unwrap the phablet between August and September this year and it will commence actual selling by November at the latest. Some few months hence, Apple will push out its 4.8-inch iPhone 6 based on speculations that the Apple phablet is aimed for a Q1 2014 rollout.

Latest reports suggest that the Galaxy Note 3 will display the following specs: a 5.9-inch Full HD OLED screen, an Exynos Octa 5 CPU and a 16MP rear camera shooter.