What is the bestselling smartphone brand in the United Kingdom? For UK retailers, Samsung's Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 easily comes to mind as a new report showed that British phone sellers are more inclined to introduce the handsets to consumers over Apple's iPhone 5.

According to CNET, the popular wide-screen Galaxy phones top the list of handsets that were recommended by shopkeepers to Brits looking for devices to take home.

In the survey first reported by The Daily Telegraph, Informa Telecoms and Media found out that on eight sellers included in the study only two actively pitched for the iPhone 5, which is relatively a new release compared to the S3 and the Note 2.

"The most recommended Samsung handsets were the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2, despite having been on the market longer than the latest handsets from Apple, Nokia and HTC," the report said.

It appeared that Apple's efforts to push its iOS 6-powered handset in the country were not getting enough support from local sellers, which the survey had indicated were giving more attention to Samsung smartphones.

CNET speculated that Samsung may have offered bettered deals for its distributors to encourage stronger push for its Galaxy product lines. In turn, it is possible that store owners dangle higher commission for sales clerks, convincing the latter to put the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 in the frontline.

Likely motivated too by the same lure, store personnel hardly mention to inquiring buyers other smartphone brands outside of Apple and Samsung. That means BlackBerry, Nokia, Motorola and LG were not in the active battle plans of UK retailers, the survey said.

The report seems to indicate that apart from issuing gadgets that cater to the needs of every possible market segments Samsung is also marketing its products by employing incentive-centric plans.

The ploy proves effective so far as Samsung Electronics ended its Q4 2012 with more than $7 billion in operating profits that were mostly delivered by its mobile division. More than 60 million Galaxy smartphones were shipped out by the firm in the last three months of last year.

Its chief competitor, Apple, only sold 47 million iPhones, somehow fortifying Samsung's more than a year of reign as the world's largest smartphone maker.