After recording the biggest 1-day percentage sell-off in the last 13 years, Microsoft might be headed into really tough times. As investors continued to show concerns about the standings of one of the most influential tech companies in the world, Microsoft might have no other option but to bring the man that guided the firm to greater heights. Yes, Bill Gates might actually return to his old post.

The company recorded Friday its worst performance on the trading market since 2000 after its stock finished at $31.40 ($4.04 down), losing $32 billion in the company's stock value.

According to financial analysts, the low demand for Microsoft's new operating system and cutting-edge tablet, the Surface, prompted investors to worry about the direction of the company.

To cushion the impact, Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer made changes in the company's structure, particularly in the operating system department. However, Nomura Securities' Rick Sherlund believed these moves aren't the solutions to the problem.

"The recent reorganization does not fix the tablet or smartphone problem," Sherlund told "The devices opportunity just received a $900 million hardware write-off for Surface RT and investors may not even like the idea of wading deeper into this territory."

With this development, there's speculation about the return of Gates to power as he attempts to put order in the company he founded in the early 70s. Gates stepped down as CEO of the company in 2000, but his last full-time role took place on June 27, 2008. Since then, Gates was a non-executive chairman of the company, although he's still rocking a total net value of $72.7 billion.