According to exclusive reports by The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. Entertainment and DC Entertainment launched a new Superman logo to mark Superman's 75th anniversary.

Warner bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara said that "Warner Bros. is privilieged to be home to the global Superman brand, which has had an unparalleled impact on popular culture for 75 years. We are proud to commemorate this milestone with exciting entertainment across the entire studio and across the globe, ensuring this enduring icon reaches new generations of audiences."

DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson said, "Superman is undeniably the greatest superhero in the world and likely the most influential comic book character of all time. In addition to being an enduring presence in pop culture for the last 75 years, he continues to be a commanding global icon."

Both companies hoped that through this new logo, Superman will obtain higher market visibility the whole year up until the transition to Batman's 75th year anniversary next year.

DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures, WB Television, WB Animation, WB interactive Entertainment, Warner Home Entertainment and WB consumer Products were given rights to use the new logo in all Superman products and related activities.

In line with the new Superman logo, Warner Bros. enticed fan as it announces that a new animated shorts is set to be released soon. The animated short is to be produced and directed by the Man of Steel's director.

No further details about the animated short were revealed yet but some sources leaked that Director Snyder plans to employ unedited continuous shots technique. The will pay tribute to Man of Steel's different journey and battles within 75 years - Max Fleisher's cartoons, on-screen portrayals by George Reeves and Christopher Reeves, iconic version drawn by artists Wayne Boring, Curt Swan and Neal Adams, on up through Henry Canvill's interpretation of Man of Steel.

Sources also leaked that the animated short is going to be manned by reputable personalities in the film industry namely, Bruce Timm of Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League; Man of Steel's very own storyboard artist Jay Oliva and DC's Geoff Johnn, Mike Carlin and WB Animation's Peter Girardi.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros. and DC were also set to work together for an animatic version of the said two-minute short. Animatic versions are preliminary version of animations which animated cutout figures are first used before using the live participants and real objects.

The animatic version will set to be launch in all media platform including social media. The said version is already being worked on in Los Angeles, London and Korea.

The new Superman logo, the animated short and the animatic version are all part of Superman 75th anniversary which kicked-off featured Superman:Unbound in May. Superman:Unbound was an all-new DC Universe animated original movie.

Superman Unchained and Man of Steel, on the other hand, will debut on June 14. After that, Superman will be part of WB Interactive's new multiplayer online battle arena coming this fall season.

Superman will alos be featured in all-new short created by WB Animation which were all set to air on Cartoon Network's CD Nation.