The first two episodes of ABC's political drama series, "Scandal" Season 3, revolved around fixing the "mistress" situation. First it was revealed that President Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) was the one who outed his relationship with Olivia (Kerry Washington). Mellie (Bellamy Young) and Cyrus (Jeff Perry) fixed the situation by leaking to the press that Jeanine's (Samantha Sloyan) was the mistress of the President, and not Olivia.

In the second episode of "Scandal" Season 3, the President had to finally step out to announce Jeanine's name as the mistress as too many things were at stake. The audience also got to see the tumultuous relationship between Olivia and her father, Rowan (Joe Morton). In the second episode of "Scandal" Season 3, Jack (Scott Foley) was back alive thanks to Olivia's deal with her father and also because the President cleared her name.

The relationship between Olivia and Hulk (Guillermo Diaz) got a hit when the latter found out that the man who destroyed his life is Olivia's father and that she hid the information from him. He violently confronted her. In the third episode of "Scandal" Season 3, "Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington," we may get to see the repercussions of that revelation.

The new episode of "Scandal" looks like is finally taking a detour from the mistress business. In "Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington," there is a mom at the Oval office with a bomb strapped around her. She looks like someone who has the intention to use it. In the preview, one can hear Olivia telling on the phone, "There are nine of us here. She has every intention of using the bomb." Olivia has to fix the life and death situation. President Fitz is going to press the panic button as in the preview, he is not handling the situation with the president like composure.

On "Scandal" Season 3 Episode 3, "Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington" -- A Midwestern mom hires Pope & Associates under mysterious conditions that lead to a very dangerous situation. Meanwhile, Fitz and Mellie admit their true feelings for each other," according to the official synopsis.

Before the premiere of the third season, Goldwyn had said to Huffington Post, that his character's relationship with Mellie was ""too toxic and fraudulent on a lot of levels" and that he does not see "kind of good time, together with his wife."

"I think Fitz knows that he and Olivia are supposed to be together ... whether they ever will be is anyone's guess, but I think once you know what he knows about Olivia, there's no way you can backtrack and settle for a relationship like the one he has with Mellie."