The mid-season finale of "Scandal" Season 3, "A Door Marked Exit," aired on December 12, 2013. ABC's political drama-series would have returned by now if it was not for the Winter Olympics and the truncated season. As reported previously, "Scandal" Season 3 consists of only 18 episodes because of Kerry Washington's, who plays Olivia, real-life pregnancy. The scheduled date of "Scandal" Season 3 second instalment is February 27, 2014.

The new episode 11 is titled "Ride, Sally, Ride." The title perhaps alludes to Sally's decision to jump back in the fray and run for President of USA. Leo might have succeeding in convincing Sally to continue with her original plan, to resign as Vice President and stand against President Fitz in the Presidential Elections. Jerry Perry had said to E! Online, "Cyrus and Leo are going to be butting heads."

The spanner in Leo and Sally's plan is likely to be David Rosen. He has a recording of the call that Sally made to Cyrus after she had killed her husband. Sally can be heard saying in the audio tape that she has committed a sin. Also before his uneasy patch-up with Cyrus, James had approached David, saying that there is something fishy about Daniel Douglas' death.

Cyrus and James relationship will continue to be on a bumpy ride, while James takes-over the new job as Press secretary of the White House. The relationship between Olivia and her father, Rowan, will take a new turn and one can expect to see some father-daughter bonding time.

Mom Pope will not be forgotten, as the gladiators will continue their search to find her, according to The Hollywood Reporter (THR). THR had also reported that Jake's character will turn darker, which might be due to being the new command of B-613. It looks like the dark trait comes with the command job. It will be interesting to see Olivia's reaction when she finds out about her dad's ouster and sees Jake as the new command.

There is no confirmation whether Olivia will be part of Fitz's re-election campaign. Washington had said to THR that it is more interesting to see how she comes to a decision and not what decision she makes. However, Fitz's re-election without Olivia by his side is something hard to believe.