Sally remembers the fight that took place between her and her husband, Daniel Douglas. She is furious and sees Daniel's sinful act as a blockade to fulfilling her aspiration of becoming the first female President of U.S. Daniels reminds her that she always knew about his sexual orientation and had married him despite knowing that. She had wanted a handsome husband by her side to achieve her goals. He wants to get out of the marriage and tells her that he will now settle down with a good boy. This is the final straw and Sally stabs him multiple times. Later, she calls up Cyrus, telling him she has committed a sin.

Cyrus arrives and sees the dead body of Daniel Douglas. He recalls the moment when he saw Daniel with James, and how he used his husband to set a honey trap, and showed the pictures of James and Daniel to Sally. Indirectly, he is responsible for the murder, while Sally keeps repeating a devil got into her and made her do it. The sight of a dead Daniel, lying in his own pool of blood, and his own moves that led to the murder make Cyrus puke.

Olivia wants to know everything about Marie Wallace, her mother's alias. Huck informs Olivia that Quinn is still at Rowan's office. He has put a tracking device in the place of the tooth (Quinn's) that he had extracted. Quinn gets the evidence of her killing Omar from Rowan, but is unable to stab him with an injection.

Quinn uses a bathroom fitting rod to extract the tracking device out of her mouth. She flushes down the injection as well as the tracking device. Huck can no longer find her location. Charlie stops Quinn from leaving, saying they have a job to do. It is the job of cleaning-up Sally's place and stitching-up the stabbed body of Daniel. Cyrus had stopped Sally from calling-up the authorities. He convinces Sally to make it look like a heart-attack.

Rowan's car is blocked by two cars from behind and front. Rowan is arrested and is taken away to an undisclosed location. President Fitz enters a room meant for solitary confinement, and meets a handcuffed Rowan. He tells Rowan that he is keeping him in the room, till Olivia's mom does not land in Hong Kong, safely and disappears. The President demands to know why he kept Mom Pop in a prison for 22 years. Rowan refuses to answer, saying it is a matter of National Security and above the pay grade of the President.

Fitz tells Rowan that he is screwing-up his daughter and knows her taste and that she is an incredible woman. Rowan mocks him, saying that he is a boy and not a man; he got everything easy and did not have to fight for anything. When Fitz tells him that he loves Olivia, Rowan says that Olivia is a door marked exit for him.

Olivia is a door marked exit because she is a way out for Fitz to stop following his father's dream of being the President and because he no longer needs to be his father' son. Fitz says Rowan does not know anything about him. Rowan reminds him that sadly, he knows everything about him. Rowan tells him that Fitz disappoints him as a suitor for his formidable daughter's hand.

Jake tells Olivia that Rowan is not the hero but a demon. He reminds Olivia what Rowan did to Huck and his family, and drove him to insanity. Abby gets the file of Marie Wallace from her boy-friend, David. Olivia discovers that her mother stole CIA's classified information. She had worked for the highest bidders under various aliases, all across the world. Olivia is unable to figure out a missing link. Huck and Jake find out that President has kept Rowan inside Pentagon. Olivia calls Fitz and gets to have a talk with her father, face to face. Olivia demands to know the truth, but Rowan refuses to answer.

Olivia has finally figured it out. There was no bomb in the plane and her mother had fooled Rowan, the way she had fooled her daughter. Olivia's mom had used Rowan to shoot down the commercial airliner that killed more than 300 people. Olivia wants President Fitz to stop her mother and get her arrested. However, it is already too late. Marie Wallace has escaped after killing all the men accompanying her in the plane.

Rowan tells Fitz that B613 is not an individual. If he cuts one head, another one will grow. Olivia gets a call from her mother. She is in Washington D.C and she tells Olivia that she will meet her soon. Jack gives a goodbye kiss to Olivia, and tells her that he loved her and will continue to love her.

Olivia calls her dad and demands to know whether he hid her mom and the truth to protect her. Rowan says that she will never get the answer to her questions. Rowan enters his office to see that Jack is sitting in his chair. He is the new command. President Fitz and Jack are a team. It is the President who has check-mated Rowan.

David hears the call that Sally made to Cyrus, telling him that she committed a sin. James wants the press secretary position as his condition to be with Cyrus. Leo still wants Sally to run for the President's post.