Selena Gomez finally found her peace. The "Come And Get It" Singer who was reportedly having trouble eating and sleeping post her break-up with Justin Bieber, was all smiles during her recent UNICEF trip to Nepal.

Gomez is reported to have spent time with kids in the classroom and see how they learn and play on a day-to-day basis. Gomez was in a Nepal for three days and she indeed had a great time amidst the culture of Nepal, reported Hollywoodlife.

"During her trip, Selena witnessed firsthand the impact of UNICEF's programs that help children survive and develop. She received an in-depth look at the organization's work focused on education, nutrition, health and protection," the organization told in a statement.

Selena Gomez has been the ambassador for UNICEF youth since 2009 and she has taken part in various events to shed light on the difficulties these children have gone through.

UNICEF aims to rebuild life of these kids so that they can move towards a brighter future. Gomez is understood to be a strong supporter of the cause. The 21 -year old even went ahead and shared a candid picture of hers in a bikini at the beach in Nepal.

"Taking my power back.. can't wait to show you where I've been. I love y'all. Ps, I still obsess over pickles," she captioned the photo of her smiling on the beach in a sexy bikini.

Meanwhile, Gomez's grandfather has confirmed that she is undergoing a treatment for Lupus. According to her grandfather the rocky relationship with Bieber, has intensified the disease.

"What worries (us) more is that she doesn't know how to say no. She won't take time for herself to relax, to eat well. He (Justin Bieber) was just a nice little fella. Totally different from what he is right now. ... It just makes me feel upset because he used to be a real nice boy," Gomez's grandfather told Radar Online.