Everyone SEO recently feels as if they have there heads on a Google Guillotine after updates to search engine rankings this year.

Maps Gurus SEO have recently provided reports about the repercussions of SEO methods which have hurt many businesses in Australia.

With Google recently announcing that it will be implementing further Google Penguin updates fear has struck the hearts of those who know they are guilty of some spammy and illegal SEO techniques and have yet to be caught out.

I have decided to provide readers with SEO techniques they should never use, to prevent them from every being hit by the almighty Google penalty filter.

Stop Over Using Keyword Rich Anchor Text For Backlinks

It wont hurt your rankings if you start to mix up and diversify your anchor texts for backlinks, for example your brand name or a variation of your keywords, the main reason why people have been penalised with Google updates is because a large percentage of their anchor texts where the same keyword eg- Real Estate Agent Melbourne, if 60% of your backlinks have this as anchor text, it is without doubt an unnatural looking link profile, which is waiting to be deindexed.

A natural link profile looks something like this (each portion of the pie represents a different anchor text) -

Whilst a website affected by Google Penguin updates looks like this.

Creating Content Which Is Not Valuable To The Reader

User experience with your website is more important now than ever. Landing pages on your website purely for SEO purposes and to rank on page one of Google will in the long run hurt your website, it is important to provide all visitors to your website with useful and valuable content so they can be engaged to stay on your website for longer.

A majority of search engine optimisation factors will one day be determined by the user experience that the user gets from visiting your website says Nick Grinberg from SEO company Maps Gurus.

I hope the following information is valuable to all who are do it yourself SEO's, it is important that these two factors are considered with any sort of SEO work you undertake.

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