A slight increase of 0.1 percent in skilled job vacancies was seen in September.

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) skilled vacancies index in September is 46.2 points. The figure is 16 percent higher than in September 2009.

Vacancies this month decreased in two of the three occupational groups monitored by the department. Professionals dropped by 1.8 percent; associate professionals fell by 4.7 percent; but trades increased by 1.0 percent.

Advertised vacancies served as the means for determining the job vacancy increases in eight of the 18 skilled occupations monitored. Hairdressers were found to have the highest increase of 9.6 percent, while science professionals marked the biggest decrease of 13.4 percent.

The Northern Territory was noted to have the largest increase in advertised skilled vacancies. A 6.7 percent increase was recorded for the state. Queensland ranked next with a 2.4 percent increase. South Australia was the only state to record a slip, 2.2 percent, during the month.

DEEWR data also reveal that Western Australia vacancies rose by 48.3 percent, the largest increase in vacancies over the year. New South Wales followed with a 35.7 percent increase.

Queensland and Victoria were the only states to record a decrease over the year. Queensland is down 24.1 percent and Victoria dropped 2.9 percent.