It seems that no one is safe from the satire from Sesame Street. In a recent video, Sesame Street takes on our society's fascination with "applications," taking on the Steve Job's mighty Apple this time.

"Yes, my friend the iPogo can do anything," claimed the biker muppet on the video, referring to the pogo with an iPhone like gadget installed on its steer. The video rips an Apple commercial for iPhone 3G, which says "there's an app for about anything, only in the iPhone."

"There's An App For That" shows a pogo stick which features different "apps" such as an app for "combing you cat." More than encouraging youngsters to rely on applications, the video plays on our increasing habit of making applications for everything from the simple act of "cutting a butter" to "singing scat."

As one Sesame Street incredulously asked, "There's an app for that?" The video asks thematically if there really needs to be an application for such simple things, which could have been easily done by human effort, but has now been delegated to one push of a certain button in mobile phone's touch screen.

"There's an App for That" has received almost half-million views since it was uploaded. Watch the video below: