Ethics Committee Chair and LNP MP for Redlands Peter Dowling, married for 27 years and father to two children, apologised to his family and friends as his sexting scandal with mistress continue to circulate around media.

In a report from the Australian Associated Press, Mr Dowling addressed his family and friends with sincere apology, wishing for media not to drag them deeper to the scandal.

"To my children, mum, brother and sister, my extended family and friends, I am sorry for the shame and embarrassment that I have caused you. I am not proud of the events plastered all over today's paper. And I can't and won't defend any part of it."

I owe my staff an apology for the calls and emails they will no doubt be fielding. I owe my colleagues, my fellow members an apology for any embarrassment or any poor reflection on the party."

"I do not wish for this issue and for my family to be dragged through the media any longer than necessary. As such I am today voluntarily stepping aside from both committee roles so that this matter can be fully investigated and considered by the Clerk of Parliament."

"I don't want pity, I only ask that my family be left alone while this matter is considered by the Clerk."

Plumped in Glass of Red Wine

In a report by The Courier-Mail, Mr Dowling was revealed as a serial sexter who was fond of sending graphic images to his mistress, including a picture of his private part plumped inside a glass of red wine. There were also pictures of his crotch while wearing his boxer shorts and a full nude picture of his private part.

According to a text retrieved from Mr Dowling's phone, his private "wanted a red Wine..."

Some of the pictures seemed to be taken in his parliamentary annex office.

Mr Dowling was also accused of using his parliamentary travel tips to have the elicit rendezvous with his mistress in Perth and New Zealand, which he denied and uphold a rule from the parliamentary that travel upgrades should remain classified.

"I have complied fully with all parliamentary requirements for disclosure. At no time did I seek an upgrade. The upgrade was provided by Virgin."

The Mistress

The mistress who refused to be named also told The Courier Mail that Mr Dowling promised her that they will eventually be together officially after the 2015 election. The mistress said that as lovers, they have repeatedly used Mr Dowling's parliamentary annex bedsit and electorate office for sex in the span of their two and a half years of secret affair.

"He met my mum. And he told her that he was in love with me and sorry about the situation but it will change. I visited parliament House at his office at night when all the office girls would leave and we would have sexual intercourse or on weekends it would be during the day," the mistress told Courier Mail.

She also said that Mr Dowling ended the relationship after they both received letters from anonymous senders and Mr Dowling was already being warned by his senior party officials and Federal MP.

"I know it can be construed that I am being vindictive in what I am doing. But I am just a country girl and I think everyone should be accountable."