Saints Row IV, the most recent console for the action-adventure genre in the open world game, became the very first game to be ever banned from sale in Australia.

Saints Row IV was submitted to the Australian Governments Classification Board in the month of May but the government organization had just released its official verdict on the game yesterday.

According to the statement "The Acting Director of the Classification Board Mr Donald McDonald announced today that Saints Row IV was the first computer game in Australia to be Refused Classification." This means that the game was rated RC and cannot be sold in Australia.

The statement explained that it is the "Board's opinion, Saints Row IV includes interactive, visual depictions of implied sexual violence which are not justified by context. In addition, the game includes elements of illicit or proscribed drug use related to incentives or rewards. Such depictions are prohibited by the computer games guidelines."

Classification Board Acting Director Mr McDonald reiterated that "apart from today's decision, since the beginning of the year, the Board has classified 117 games R 18+ under the new guidelines."

Saints Row IV was set to hit stores in Australia in on August 22 2013 but due to the ban, this can no longer be possible.

Meanwhile, Saints Row 4 is set to be available on stores in North America on August 20 and in Europe on August 23.

The eople behind the game console were willing to make some adjustment in order for the game to gain approval from Australian Governments Classification Board.

In an interview with CVG, Saints Row Publisher said that "Volition, the developer, are reworking some o the code to create a version of the game for this territory by removing the content which could cause offence without reducing the outlandish game play that Saints Row fans know and love. Saints Row IV has been awarded PEGI 18 and ESRB M ratings where fans can enjoy their time in Steelport as originally intended."

According to a report from G4 in 2011, THQ Executive Vice President Danny Bilson envisioned wilder content for the Saints Row 4. According to him, "Like any game, if you have a great creative core to it you just keep exploiting that core. For instance, I know what Saints Row 4 is about and it is wilder than this one (Saints Row 3). It is a good example of how you take what you have and you ask, what could happen next."

Saints Row IV was officially released through a trailer in March 2013.

About Saints Row IV:

The game happens five years after the end of Saints Row: The Third. The game opens with an alien invasion kidnapping the Saints. Those who will play the game are given superpowers to take down the new regime.

About Australian Governments Classification Board:

  • Makes classification decisions about films, computer games and publications under the Classification Act and the Broadcasting Services Acts for internet content
  • Makes decisions about film festivals, fee waivers and other items for the Public Good
  • Comply with the Classification Liaison Scheme to make sure that industry - retail shops, video stores, online sellers, wholesalers etc - are following rules and getting products classified, only selling products that are classified, and that products are showing the correct classification markings. When breaches are found, action is taken to educate retailers, or for serious breaches, the State or Territory police are advised, who take action.