Shailene Woodley Eats 'Living Clay' For Detoxification, Doctors Warn Beware, Fans Says It Makes Her Look Old
A teaspoon of clay a day keeps the doctor away

Shailene Woodley, star of "Divergent" and John Green's "The Fault In Our Stars," guest-starred on "The Late Show" with David Letterman and told the host about her clay diet and the benefits of eating clay.
She told Letterman that eating clay is part of a well-balanced breakfast.
"I eat clay," Shailene said. She admitted to eating it as part of a detoxification diet. She eats a teaspoonful and even uses it as toothpaste.
"Clay binds to other materials in your body and helps your body excrete those materials that aren't necessarily the best for you," she said.
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Woodley went into details of her clay diet with Into the Gloss. She said she first heard about clay-eating from an African taxi driver. He said the pregnant women from where he's from eat clay. This is a process researchers called geophagy. The 22-year old star got curious, so she researched about it, and learned that clay is good for the health since it doesn't get absorbed in the body. It also provides a negative charge that bond to negative isotopes, thus aiding in the release of heavy metals in the body.
"You should obviously be careful about your source. Bentonite clay is good, but Mountain Rose Herbs has a great clay source. I get all of my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs too," Woodley shared.
There's bountiful of food to eat around, why choose clay?
Critics said that clay-eating is unhealthy. However, Paul Mackey, owner of Natures Cleansing Clay and the man behind the edible "living clay" product confirmed its benefits.
"The benefits of clay's "full-body detoxification" are nothing short of amazing. It builds one's immune system, balances PH levels and allows the body to naturally heal itself and fight off future disease. I suggest users take it with water," he said.
However, doctors David L. Katz and Roshini Raj are not convinced and shared their opinions to Huffington Post.
Dr. David L. Katz, founding director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University, said that the concept of the negative charge of clay is "meaningless". Iron is metal however it's good for the body. It shouldn't be flushed out. He said a favourable benefit/harm ratio of eating clay has not yet been established to recommend eating it.
Meanwhile Dr. Roshini Raj said that there are no subsantial medical evidence that clay can actually remove toxins in the body. He said that people who eat it can be exposed to lead, arsenic, and other toxicants that are naturally present in clay.
How about fans of Shailene Woodley? Would they go to the extent of eating clay to show their support for their idol? Below are comments from The Guardian.and Twitter.
"It probably won't be long before someone convinces these fools to eat shit." SackTheJuggler
"She looks older than 22; it's clearly not working for her." Gromby
"Oh for heavens sake! And the silly girl is a role-model for vulnerable teens." PatriciaPJ
"Maybe we shouldn't be asking her for nutrition tips." Rachel Lee
"Eating clay sounds disgusting." Joanna Casteel
If you eat clay, you could get lead poisoning, intestinal parasites, or anthrax. Please, Shailene, listen to reason.
— Andrew Shaffer (@andrewtshaffer) May 5, 2014
You guys. Shailene Woodley makes toothpaste out of clay and herbs. I'm sort of okay with her not being a female role model. — Julia Pizzi (@jpizzi) May 5, 2014
Shailene Woodley eats 1 teaspoon of clay a day. yuckk
— Jimmy (@MrJimmyVT) May 8, 2014