The premiere date of the highly acclaimed drama series "Sherlock" Season 3 is still under-wraps. However, Benedict Cumberbatch, the actor portraying the modern day Sherlock Holmes in the hit BBC series, has spilled a couple of details about the upcoming season of "Sherlock."

In an interview with The Guardian, the British actor alluded to a reunion that does not go as planned. He probably is talking about his return from the dead and Watson (Martin Freeman) not warming-up to him, instantly.

"Well, there's a reunion that doesn't necessarily go to plan," Cumberbatch said to The Guardian. "And there's a bonding experience that throws Sherlock and Watson back together in a very firm way."

"And there's a new union as well, in the shape of a marriage, which Sherlock takes part in, so we see that," Cumberbatch said.

It is almost confirmed that Watson gets married in the third season of "Sherlock."

Watson gets married in the original crime series "Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. At the Comic-Con: "Hot off the presses from 110 years ago... John does get married," Steven Moffat, co-creator of "Sherlock," had said, as quoted by TV Guide.

The filming of all the three episodes of "Sherlock" Season has wrapped-up and Cumberbatch is a sentimental-wreck. He said to The Guardian, "I felt very sentimental on the last day of shooting, thinking, 'Oh, I've got to say goodbye to him again. He's f****** hard work, always has been, but I love him, and I got sad that I wasn't going to see him again for a while."

In July, 2013, Sue Vertue, executive producer of "Sherlock," had announced on Twitter the new nemesis of Sherlock, Charles Augustus Magnussen (Lars Mikkelsen). In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cumberbatch said that there is an "incredible new villain" in "Sherlock" Season 3.

This year in March, the actor, 37, had said that the first episode of "Sherlock" Season 3 is an "absolute stonker" and that "it's going to be a treat."

It is time for some buzz about the confirmed "Sherlock" Season 3 premiere date. We cannot wait to see what the new season has to offer and how Sherlock faked his own death.

"It's a rational explanation (Sherlock's fake death)," Moffat had said at the Comic-Con. "When you see the answer, you'll see that yes, we did know in advance. We had to plot it out."