The animal cruelty revealed by a video secretly taken at a couple of Alberta farms is shocking, according to Mercy for Animals Canada.

The video was captured at the farms with a hidden camera by the organisation. The video was aired on CTV last week. The video shows chicks are put in garbage bags and brutally smashed by the farm workers. It also shows hens which are crowded in battery cages. The animal rights organisation calls the video shocking, and now demands that McDonald's Canada must take a strong stand against it.

Mercy for Animals Canada Director of Operations Stephane Perrais informed that the hens were not even able to spread the wings as they were extremely crammed in the cages. They were not able to turn around or walk in the cage. Nor were they able to do any kind of natural behaviour, she said. The hens spend the most miserable one year of their life in those cages only to produce eggs. They are slaughtered when they are not able to produce eggs for the farm, she informed.

According to Mercy for Animals Canada, an undercover detective captured the secret video with a hidden camera. He was hired by Creekside Grove Farms and Ku-Ku Farms in May to work as a farm worker for 10 weeks. The video exposes chicks smeared with faeces and dead hens getting rotten in those cages.

According to MFA Canada, Ku-Ku supplies eggs to Burnbrae Farms, an Ontario-based farm, which is the main supplier of eggs to McDonald's Canada. MFA Canada is now demanding that McDonald's Canada should ban their egg supplier that engages in such animal cruelty.

McDonald's Canada did not, on the other hand, hesitate to accept the fact that they get their eggs from BurnBrae Farms. The eggs are used to prepare Egg McMuffins. The leading fast food chain has also confirmed that it does not endorse any sort of animal cruelty, even if it is done by its suppliers.

Karin Campbell, the spokeswoman of McDonald's Canada, has emailed a statement to The Canadian Press, confirming that the company does not support any sort of neglect, abuse or cruelty to any animal.

This is not the first time McDonald's is linked with animal cruelty. Dedicated Web sites like insist that the company is incessantly engaged in such activities.

Videos courtesy: YouTube, MFACanada, kaitlynmrasak