Winston Peters, when he was Foreign Minister, attends a meeting at the 40th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ministerial meeting in Manila in this August 1, 2007 file photo.   Peters has offered to stand aside while authorities look int
IN PHOTO: Winston Peters as Foreign Minister attends a meeting at the 40th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ministerial meeting in Manila in this August 1, 2007 file photo.Peters has offered to stand aside while authorities look into fraud allegations involving political donations made to his party, media reported on August 29, 2008. The leader of the New Zealand First Party, Peters made the offer as he met Prime Minister Helen Clark about the allegations, which he has denied, Radio New Zealand reported. Reuters/Cheryl Ravelo

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters’ daughter is joining “Shortland Street” in December. Bree Peters, 26, will play heartbreaker Pania Stevens in the long-running primetime soap opera.

As reported by the NZ Herald, Bree’s character Pania will claim to be an old friend of TK Samuels (Ben Mitchell), but she “may just have her sights set on something more.” As viewers know, TK is left devastated after the death of Sarah Potts (Amanda Billing) recently.

Pania will make her debut on air in December, but Bree has been around the show for more than two years already. She began her career as the actors’ chaperone at South Pacific Pictures, then trained new talents and became a dialogue coach.

“It’s a bit like switching classrooms mid-way through the school year – you know everyone, but you didn’t get to their school camp so some of the jokes go over your head,” Bree compared her journey from off-cam to on-cam talent in the show. “It has been an amazing opportunity nonetheless and I’m learning new things every day.”

Outside “Shortland Street,” Bree boasts of a few accomplishments. She acted in “The Blue Rose, Nothing Trivial” and “Go Girls,” and has recently travelled to Edinburgh, joining the tour with the hit theatre show “The Generation of Z.”

Back to fan favourite TK, fans will be glad to know that he will be returning in the show. As TV Guide reported, TK will still be devastated over Sarah’s death, and will try to hide it while working in the hospital. Nevertheless, his colleagues know that he is making mistakes. “He is brooding too much and, no doubt, passionate TK fans will have much to ponder,” the magazine wrote.

For Mitchell, though, he can’t understand the fuss over his character.

“I don’t watch television, so it’s kind of funny when people approach me on the street about my character,” he said. “I do my job and people see it on screen two months later.”

With his character a single man once again, Mitchell said he doesn’t know what will happen to him, but he hopes the writers have lined up another romance for him.

“I hope they do,” he continued. “Romances always bring a real energy to your performance.”