A girl from NSW was sexually assaulted by a group of boys at the park in central-western Orange early morning Sunday.

Police reports say she had met the boys the night before the incident. The 16-year-old girl said she was walking at the park early morning Sunday with the boys when she was suddenly sexually abused.

Five of the six boys were arrested on Thursday, where three were aged 13, 14, and 18. The sixth boy approach police and was arrested. He was 14 years old, who came to police after finding out about the arrest on Wednesday.

The gang has been convicted with forced sexual assault. The conviction has been refused bail. They will attend a court hearing at Bourke Children's Court on Thursday.

For the meantime, an investigation on the incident was currently conducted by the State Crime Commands Sex Crimes Squad.

Findings will be used for court proceedings.

Meanwhile, the NSW government has developed help for victims of sexual assault. The council offers assistance to male and female victims.

The Victims Access Line offers a 24-hour service to anyone who wants to report a crime or see support and counseling.

Victims of sexual assault can dial 000 or call the local police station.

Crime victims in New South Wales have their rights promoted and protected through the government's Charter of Victims Rights. The council has recently modified the Charter to improve and strengthen the way rights are being expressed.

The girl, who was, sexually assaulted by six boys, can eventually seek counseling and support from the NSW government.

She can have the assistance she needs while understanding more her rights under the Charter of Victims Right.