Size matters: Biggest breasts belong to American women, smallest to Filipinas
BRAgging rights belong to American females with average volume of 1,668 ml

If among males, penis size matters to their female partners, so does breast size to men which explains why breast enhancement procedures are among the most popular cosmetic surgeries globally. However, insofar as natural breasts are concerned, it seems many American women need not undergo the procedure.
A new study, published in The Journal of Female Health Sciences, found that among almost 400,000 women from 108 nations whose breast size data were analysed, American women have the biggest breasts. On the opposite end, the smallest breasts belong to Filipino women, reports The Telegraph.
After Americans, follow women from Canada, Ireland, Poland and the UK. Meanwhile, Asians and Pacific Islanders are the ones with lesser endowments. After Filipino women came Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Somoan and Solomon Islands females.
The study, which excludes women who have breast implants, pregnant, breastfeeding or pregnant the past 12 months, explains the wide variation to breast tissue volume. But while correlation between a woman’s body weight and breast size differs by country, the trend does not apply generally to American and Canadian women who have “very large breast volume regardless of her body weight.”
The researchers explain that knowing breast size variation by country is needed to serve as guide in product development and to target market actions of the clothing industry and providers of cosmetic surgery providers. The study notes that which country do women have the largest breast size is a common question people ask since people began to travel.
It attributes global natural interest in breast size to being genetically driven since women’s breasts “are the most obvious female secondary sexual characteristics” of substantial importance from social status and reproductive behaviour perspectives. To come up with a standard measure, the researchers used the European Union bra size standard as reference which has an “A” to “F” band size.
The study found that Caucasian women have breast substantially large than “F” with mean breast volume of American women 1,668 ml, while Canadian women were 1,194 ml. Europeans ranged from 992 to 757 ml, and Australian and New Zealanders were in the middle range with 652 and 640 ml, respectively. Many Asian and African women were below 200 ml, the smallest belonging to Filipinas at 111 ml.
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