Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King Live. Credits: Facebook/Slayer Band

The passing of legendary guitar player Jeff Hanneman marked as the end of an era of thrash metal. The death still shocks fans across the world as they go back and listen to Hanneman's thundering guitar playing, again and again, in Slayer's albums. But according to Loudwire, Hanneman's unheard material may feature on Slayer's 11th studio album.

Bassist and front man Tom Araya confirmed to Loudwire that unheard audio recordings and past songs that Hanneman shared with the band will be taken out for Slayer's new material.

"We have two songs," Araya said.

"I haven't had the privilege of going through his audio files at the moment, but that's something I plan to do. Once we get some business squared away, that's something I plan to do; to go through his music and see what he has. I know that he had several ideas together that he had presented to us in the course of the past year. Before he passed away, there was one complete song that he had managed to send to everybody that I listened to and that I thought was really, really good and communicated that to him. There's stuff that I thought would be great to listen to just to see what's there and how we can possibly use what he had done. That's something I have every intension of doing," he added.

Araya also talked about Hanneman's unique style of writing music and every song he wrote has that signature Hanneman stuff attached to it.

"I don't want to use the term 'typical' [laughs] but it's Jeff, it's obvious who put the song together. It's Jeff music. He created a certain way and he put music together a certain way; it's signature Jeff. It's new, it doesn't sound like anything else that we've done, in my opinion. Jeff usually just wrote songs and a lot of his stuff had certain signature things he would do to songs. That stuff is in there, but I would consider it new."

Araya About Hanneman's Material

When asked what feelings come up when hears the second song by Hanneman given to Slayer before he passed away.

""Listening to that, and this isn't meant in a bad way, but when I listen to it and I'm thinking about him, it's kind of like, 'F***in' Jeff!" [laughs]. That's what crosses my mind; 'F***in' Jeff!' Some people wouldn't understand that, but having conversations with Paul [Bostaph, drums] on these past tours that we've done together, I'll look at him, I'll be onstage playing and then it'll hit me. Then I'll be talking to Paul after the show and I'll look at him and sometimes I'll just be like, 'F***in' Jeff!' and he'll just smile and say, 'Yeah, I know what you mean.' [Laughs] I do that periodically. When I think about him, that's usually the phrase that'll come to my mind."

The new album will be Slayer's first after Dave Lombardo's departure and Hanneman's death.