Supernatural drama series, "Sleepy Hollow," is one of the biggest successes of 2013 fall season. It premiered on Fox on September 16, 2013 and in a short-span of time, it has got itself a huge fan-following.

Alex Kurtzman, executive producer of "Sleepy Hollow," said to "Frankly, I'm stunned and elated. Our jaws were on the floor. We kind of can't believe it. The whole energy surrounding Sleepy Hollow from the fans is just extraordinary and the thing you dream of."

"Sleepy Hollow" is based on "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving. Irving's short story was published in 1820 and FOX's drama series is the "modern day re-telling" of the story.

In the first episode of "Sleepy Hollow," Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) wakes-up after being buried for more than two centuries in a cave. Out of the cave, he lands in the prison as a murder suspect and is later sent to a mental asylum. Crane meets Lt. Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) and despite her initial reluctance, Abbie does not take too long to believe his crazy story. They form an unlikely partnership.

Kurtzman said to TVGuide that it was decided early on that they didn't want to make Abby a "skeptic."

"... she actually had her own experience when she was young and has been actively to suppress and repress it. Crane emerging in her life forces her to deal with it. She's been having a very difficult time in her own way understanding and accepting what it means to be a witness and what she has to do because of it."

"Sleepy Hollow" has witches, headless horse rider and four horsemen of apocalypse, strange events and spooky tales. According to the executive producer, the first season of "Sleepy Hollow" is laying the base for the seven-year-war. However, the much talked about four horsemen of apocalypse will not appear in Season 1 of "Sleepy Hollow."

The writers of "Sleepy Hollow" intend to play out the story-line of four horsemen of apocalypse "over the course of several seasons," according to Kurtzman. "If you look at the signs of Judgment Day, the Four Horsemen are the first steps in it and there are many other things that come after the Horsemen, so we will be suggesting both what the Horsemen will be capable of and what comes after them."

"Sleepy Hollow" has been renewed for Season 2. Like the first season, the second season will also consist of 13 episodes.