Smartline has taken out a top franchise award for the third year in a row.

The broker has been ranked number one in the Topfranchise survey rating Australia's best franchisors. The Topfranchise survey, launched three years ago by research company 10 Thousand Feet, has seen Smartline take top ranking each year. Smartline CEO Chris Acret said the ranking was particularly important as it reflected the sentiments of Smartline's franchisees.

"It is a huge honour for us to win Topfranchise for a third year especially because it is voted for by our own people," he said. "For us, there is no better accolade. The positive team culture that we have at Smartline is something we continue to work on. It is a testament to both our franchisees and group office team and it makes doing business more rewarding for everyone."

Mortgage choice was also ranked highly by its franchisees, coming in at number three on the survey. Spokesperson Kristy Sheppard told Australian BrokerNews the company was proud of its consistent appearance on the list, and praised the "professionalism of our systems, processes and dedicated staff". Sheppard said brand awareness is also a key point of difference for the company.

"Strength of brand ... is another key reason why Mortgage Choice is such a powerful performer in the franchise space," she said.