Smoke emitting from Japan’s quake-hit nuclear plant has been seen continually rising from the No. 3 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

According to a Reuters report, the operators of the nuclear plan had stopped injecting of sea water into the reactor that resulted in an increase in radiation levels and pressure.

The report also warned of possible explosion that could stem from the buildup of hydrogen in the building housing the reactor.

Reuters quoted on Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan warning that the situation at the quake-damaged nuclear plant still poses danger but assured the public that the authorities are already working to contain any more damage and prevent any nuclear contamination.

In related news, 30 Filipino seafarers who were earlier reported stranded in Fukushima Japan have already been located and were already brought to Narita Airport at around three o’clock in the morning early Monday, Manila time.

According to a news release from the Department of Foreign Affairs, the 30 seafarers were taken to Fukushima by their company following the magnitude-8.9 quake in Japan on Friday.
The Foreign Affairs department asserted that the Filipino seafarers are ‘safely housed in a hotel’ and ‘duly cared for’, said Reuters.

In addition to the 30 seafarers the Philippine government is also locating an estimated 4,500 Filipinos in Japan’s northeast region particularly in Sendai City.