A DJ in New Zealand has sent a photo of his genitals by accident to a Paralympian athlete just before she won a gold medal in an international swimming competition in Canada. Sophie Pascoe, a gold medalist in the London Games, was getting ready to go to the pool for the swimming championship when in Montreal when she received a photo of New Zealand DJ Dom Harvey via Snapchat.

Snapchat is a mobile application that lets users take pictures and send it to others. The photo will automatically disappear after 10 seconds.

Ms. Pascoe posted on Twitter that she had just finished eating when she saw DJ Dom Harvey's photo of his member. She opened her Snapchat app and was surprised with what she saw. Her Twitter post contained the hashtag #awkwardsurprise.

Mr. Harvey apologised to Ms. Pascoe but made a pun for being an ambassador for Beef and Lamb New Zealand. Mr. Harvey said "So sorry about that Snapchat. I know you like beef and lamb ... but nobody deserves a surprise pork sausage."

In his Twitter, Mr. Harvey revealed that he meant to send to send the photo of his genitals to one of his radio show's producers as a prank. The New Zealand DJ said his female producer was complaining that she has never been sent a photo of a man's penis.

Mediaworks executives said DJ Harvey will not be penalised or sanctioned for his actions. Program director Leon Wratt said what Mr. Harvey said was stupid but no disciplinary action will be taken since he has apologised.

The New Zealand DJ also tweeted about the response of his employer. He also questioned why the media wrote about a "non-story". He posted on Twitter that his employers took pity on him after they saw the size (of his genitals in photo).

Mr. Harvey also directed his next tweet to the media by saying nobody was offended or upset about the Snapchat photo.

The Paralympian athlete who received the awkward photo went on to win a gold medal in the Canadian in world record time.