Guillermo del Toro's upcoming thriller film "Crimson Peak" is making a lot of noise while filming in Canada with "Sons of Anarchy" star Charlie Hunnam and "Thor's" Tom Hiddleston. In the movie's recent sighting, the two gorgeous actors were spotted wearing their usual clothes as they strip off the period costume while filming in Toronto.

The "Pacific Rim" director promises fans that his new film will not just offer the scare factor but it's going to be gothic and kinky at the same time. After his robots vs monsters film, del Toro is working again with Hunnam as one of his lead in the thriller movie set in 19th century Cumbria.

Known for his past horror movies like "The Haunting" and Jack Clayton's "The Innocents," the Mexican director is a legend of the haunted house horror genre. With strong influence from his previous hunted house films, "Crimson Peak" is going to a be a roller coaster ride of horror which he co-wrote with regular partner Matthew Robbins and new collaborator Lucinda Coxon.

Described as an adult movie with R-rating, "Crimson Peak" is a classic Gothic romance movie with a lot of blood and sex. With actors like Hunnam, Hiddleton, Wasikoswka and Jessica Chastain, the film will make fans scream and fall in love with the characters.

"[Crimson Peak] has moments that are very visceral, physical violence. You're in this sort of sedate romance and then there is this brutal moment where you're like, "Whoa!" says del Toro in an interview posted on Screen Rant. "And it has a lot of kinky moments. The only kinky moment I've ever shot is the leg f**k in The Devil's Backbone. [laughs] This has a little more kinkiness than that."

Mia Wasokowska Look Spooked on the Set of 'Crimson Peak'

Spotted with her old fashioned back hair and white face, Mia Wasikowska plays Edith Cushing who discovers that her husband (played by Hiddleston) is not what he appears to be. Set in Victorian England, the "Alice in Wonderland" star was spotted last week in full costume with a heavy gold skirt teamed with a thick pleated white blouse and a creepy black belt with two ivory human hands folded together.

But despite her spooky complexion with her pale-as-porcelain complexion, Mia appeared to be relaxed and not too concerned about her surroundings. She was photographed clutching a metal coffee cup while taking a break from the horror set.

"Crimson Peak" is set to be released on October 16, 2015.