Toilet humour stories from Sochi do not seem to run out. After the viral photos on twin toilets in one room and weird toilet rules including a No Fishing sign on a poster, here's another toilet news from Russia.

On Friday, American bobsledder Johnny Quinn locked himself on his bathroom. He did not bring his mobile phone inside, so Quinn broke the door to be able to get out.

YouTube/Alex Jones

In a tweet, he wrote, "I used by bobsled push training to break out."

Here is the image of the broken bathroom door.

However, U.S. skeleton athlete John Daly found it difficult to believe that Daly does not bring his mobile phone inside the bathroom. He tweeted, "seriously Johnny who goes to the bathroom with out a cell phone? It's 2014 brother."


The horror stories of Sochi continue to spread from journalists to sportsmen to a builder.

The Australian, which calls the ongoing Winter Games hosted by Russian resort city Sochi as "The One Where Everything Was Terrible," reports on the experience of Johnnie Balfour, a snowboard and ski course builder.

He wrote about his experience on his blog, but deleted it later. However, before he could remove it, someone had shared the blog on Reddit.

Mr Balfour was in Sochi in mid-January. He described the hotel where he stayed as looking like a council housing estate in England and appeared like it was a 50-year-old building, not 2 years old. It also smelled of concrete dust.

Upon arrival, a hotel staff gave him two sheets, a pillow case and a roll of toilet paper. He confirms what other Sochi visitors have written later that the water coming out of the tap was yellowish-brown, while the toilet flushes muddy water.

Moreover, there was no hot water, the floor had dirt and mud, there was urine all over the toilet seat and he even feared using the water to brush his teeth. And definitely, there was no Internet service.

However, on the plus side, he had reliable transportation from the Sochi airport to the Games site. His friend, who was also in Sochi, got in a bus from the airport and was ordered to alight in the middle of nowhere in pouring rain. It took almost an hour before another bus appeared, which brought the poor man to the bus depot.

Mr Balfour disclosed that Russian Olympic officials ordered him and his partners to open bank accounts, and even if they refused, the accounts were opened in the names. Given the trip to hell that he went through, the builder doubts he would even be paid for the services he rendered.