Oscar-winning director, Steven Soderbergeh is now in the media spotlight after he was slapped with paternity suit in New York. The complaint is asking for an official declaration that he is the father of the child as well as an unspecified amount of child support.

The Ocean’s 11 director has recently been named as father of a five-month-old Australian baby girl, who was reportedly born on August 30, 2010.

The baby’s mother, Frances Lawrencina Anderson said she got pregnant after meeting the married director on a number of occasions, over a period, which the complaint underscored is ‘covering all possible dates of conception, including but not limited to December 2009”, said News.Au.Com.

Citing a report of the New York Post, the Australian website noted that the famous director was in Sydney at the aforementioned period. Soderbergh was apparently directing a play he wrote, Tot Mom.

It was stated in the legal documents filed at the Big apple that both Anderson and her baby, Pearl ‘have submitted to a DNA test, which has confirmed that [Soderbergh] is the father of the child’, said, News.Com.Au.

It added that the 48-year old director has ‘verbally acknowledged having fathered the baby’. To prove her point, the baby’s mother said in the complaint that Soderbergh ‘has offered to pay various medical and other expenses incurred by Anderson during her pregnancy’.

The suit seeks for Soderbergh’s official declaration that he is in fact the father of the baby. It also hopes for child support from the Academy Award winning director, though no amount has been specified in the document, said The New York Post.

Soderbergh is married to another Hollywood personality, Jules Asner and they have been together since 2003. The director has one daughter, Sarah from his first marriage, said News.Com.Au.