'Solo: Star Wars Story' behind-the-scenes video

A new behind-the-scenes video of “Solo: A Star Wars Story” has been released online. From the visuals, costumes, to the story; the video reveals new details about what the fans can expect to see.
The video [see below] starts off with a shot of Han (Alden Ehrenreich) hanging his lucky dice on a speeder car. Director of Photography Bradford Young explained what the film is abou, and added that the film had to look “natural.”
“It had to be about characters putting their feet on natural surfaces,” Young said. To achieve this goal, the director of photography had to make sure everything from the placement of the camera to the lighting felt “legitimate.”
Director Ron Howard praised Young for being a “tremendous artist” who has a “fantastic style.” The video teases some of the visuals and the aliens the fans will see in the film.
Neal Scanlan from the Special Creature Effects department revealed that the film begins with a dark tone, and as the film progresses the fans will get to see brighter scenes as well as brighter aliens and droids.
Cast member Donald Glover (Lando Calrissian) said that he may have the best clothes among all the characters in the film. The character gets capes, boots, and a nice style of costumes.
Costume Designers David Crossman and Glyn Dillon said that they had to produce the most number of costumes for this one movie, compared to anything that they have done before for a “Star Wars” film. They have apparently made over a thousand costumes for this film.
“This is beautiful,” Emilia Clarke (Qi’ra) said in the video, presumably referring to the stunning costumes. Apart from the beautiful costumes and locations, the fans will also get to see a lot of action in the movie. “This is such an incredible piece of work,” Clarke added.
Credit: Star Wars/ YouTube